Donald vs Hillary! Debate time!
Will the former First Lady bury Donald in a blizzard of Wonk? Will Donald's world-swallowing charisma be too much to overcome?
Either way, this website encourages you to view this as a playoff game. You should be heavily into the firewater well before the opening salvo is fired.
You'll need that booze, because it's time to play the Debate Drinking Game!
I used to play Love Boat when I was in high school. Everyone gets a character, and you drink every time your character is on the screen. Everyone drinks if either A) they show the boat, or B) Issac is on the screen. This game, as awesome as it is, won't work for a two person debate.
The debate drinking game is ideally played between two ideological opposites. Both the liberal and the conservative should be able to drink as much as the other. However, you can play it with two libbers, or two rednecks.
Simply put, you each choose a side, and you have to drink when certain keywords come up, or when certain conditions are met, or when certain incidents occur. It might actually be fun for the liberal to choose Donald Trump or vice versa with the conservative and Killary.
I'm using beers and shots, with the shots reserved for special conditions. If you don't drink and favor THC, you can use bong hits and dabs, saving the dabs for the more serious transgressions. If you're a straight-edge fan of this column, try some BDSM thing with cuffs, whips and the strapper.
Either way, we're going to score it with alcohol. Here are the criteria:
* Hillary comes out in a pantsuit, one sip for the liberal
* Donald's tie is red, white or blue, one sip for the con
* Donald declines on saying "Madame Secretary," and refers to her by her first name... one sip, con
* Hillary says "The Donald.".. one sip for the lib.
* Hill'ry suffers a Katniss-style fall as she walks out... one shot for the lib
* Donald declines a pre-debate handshake.... one shot for the con
* Bill Clinton is attending, and he's sitting with a young woman who isn't Chelsea... one sip, lib
* Donald's wife is shown, and her dress shows cleavage... one sip for the con
* Donald dodges a tough question by insulting the moderator... one sip, con
* Hillary tries a joke, and it bombs like the Enola Gay... one sip, lib
* Which comes first, a "Crooked Hillary" or a "Deplorable?"... CH, one sip con, D, one sip lib
* Who gets brought up first, George Bush II or Monica Lewinsky? GB/lib, ML/con
* Donald slips and utters a racial slur.. one shot, con
* Hillary faints on stage... one shot. lib
* Who gets heckled by someone in the crowd first? Trump, one shot lib... Hillary, one shot con
* You see a black Trump supporter in the crowd... one sip, con
* You see a woman in Islamic dress with a Hillary sign. one sip, lib
* Trump throws a joke at Hillary, and she bests it with a comeback... one sip, Con
* Hillary infers that Trump is wearing a wig... one sip, lib
* Someone in the crowd is dressed as a wall... one shot, con
* Donald says "You're not even your husband's first choice"... one shot, lib
* Hillary points out that Donald has 5 kids from 3 wives... one shot, con
* Donald makes a cigar reference... one shot, lib
* Hillary dodges an email question... one shot, lib
* Donald shows that he's not 100% sure where Syria is... one shot, con
* Hillary has a coughing fit... one shot, lib
* Donald claims that managing a wrestler at Wrestlemania makes him qualified to lead our military... one shot, con
* Donald makes the moderator laugh... one sip, lib
* Donald has to be corrected by the moderator... one shot, con
* Who interrupts who first? Trump, one sip con... HC, one sip lib
* Hillary claims credit for killing Osama bin Laden... one sip, lib
* Hillary utters the words "game show"... one sip, con
* Hillary mentions Liz Warren... one sip, con
* Donald answers it with a Fake Indian line... one sip, lib
* What comes up first, Hillary's email or Trump University? Email, one sip lib,,, scam U, one sip con
* Donald infers that Hillary is killing people who get in her way... one sip, con
* Hillary says Donald's tie is made in China, Trump turns it over, and it says MADE IN USA.. one sip, lib
* Hillary bombs with a Donald Duck reference... one sip, lib
* Trump says "Killary."... one sip, con
* Trump does a Bill Clinton impression... one sip, lib
* Hillary promises free college for all... one shot, lib
* Donald talks about his dick... one shot, con
* What comes up first, Trump Steaks or Vince Foster? TS, one shot con, VF, one shot, lib
* Hillary promises a minimum wage shot, lib
* Donald promises a land war in Asia... one shot, con
* Who gets called a rapist first... Bill Clinton or Julian Assange? BC, one shot lib, JA, one shot con
* First celebrity reference? HC, one sip lib.. Trump, one sip con
* Who gets booed first? HC, lib, DT, con
* Anytime the flag is shown full-screen, both opponents drink to the health of the other.
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