Sunday, January 10, 2016

They Call It Stormy Sunday...

I was kind of hoping to have the Kansas City Chiefs coming to town for a playoff game in an old-fashioned New England gale, but no dice. Maybe we'll get worse weather net week!

Remember, if all of this rain were falling in colder weather, we'd be looking at Top 20 All Time snowfall.
The fun should start early today, before you wake up if you're one of our more hard-living readers.

It will be very windy today, especially on the South Shore, South Coast and Cape Cod. You could lose your trees or your power. To bring it back to football, I had the power blow during an ocean storm for the Tennessee/St. Louis version of the Super Bowl one year, and I had to drive around Duxbury in my Jeep to "get" the end of the game.

We're not expecting major coastal fooding, even with a New Moon in play today. The SE wind could pile up some water in isolated areas, but I wouldn't wager any money on it.

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